On 28th March,  we had a fun 😎  and an eggciting day.  Easter bunnies came and we did an Easter hunt.

We played loads of Easter games (Easter sack race, Easter egg and spoon race and Easter bean bag toss game)  and ate chocolate eggs too.

As a craft, we made a handmade Easter necklace!!!!

Such an incredible day!!!

If you want to make a “DIY an Easter NECKLACE” watch this video:



El passat 16 de març, vam rebre la visita d’Ester Forné del CESIRE per compartir els projectes de la ZER vinculats a les arts en col·laboració amb el Museu de la Vida Rural.

Ester Forné és Doctora en Educació en l’Àmbit Artístic i professora en la UOC i URL Blanquerna a més a més de formadora ICE i a la UAB.

Agraïts per la visita.

Junts sumem per la innovació educativa de qualitat!



International Women’s Day provides an important opportunity for teachers, parents and caregivers to educate and inspire children and students about gender equality. From celebrating women’s achievements to challenging gender stereotypes and bias, educating future generations about gender equality is one of the most grassroots differences anyone can make. There are many useful classroom resources available to support International Women’s Day activity. Whether in the classroom or over the dinner table, thank you for championing International Women’s Day and making a positive difference.

What  did we do on International Women’s Day in “la ZER”?
  • We explained why we have an International Women’s Day.
  • We brainstormed gender stereotypes.
  • We learned from important women who turned the world around.
  • In addition, our colleague Gemma Salvat, who is a professional football player, explained the importance of women in female football and their difficulties.

Here you have a collection of photographs:


Del 6 al 20 de març estarà obert el període de preinscripció per al segon cicle d’educació infantil i educació primària. Les sol·licituds s’han de presentar telemàticament. En aquests enllaços trobareu tota la informació.

Preinscripció al segon cicle d’educació infantil (3-6 anys)

Preinscripció a educació primària (1r a 6è)

Les famílies que necessitin ajuda per tramitar la preinscripció es poden posar en contacte amb les escoles de la ZER.

Escola Valldemur – Barberà de la Conca 977 887 304 / 634 771 907
Escola Antoni Tous – Pira 977 887 489 / 634 776 725
Escola Sant Roc – Rocafort de Queralt 977 898 113 / 634 777 002
Escola Sagrat Cor – Solivella 977 892 361 / 634 776 083



On the 15th March, our students from Middle Cycle and Upper level went to Montblanc to see the “ROBIN HOOD” play and to visit the County Library  “Conangla i Fontanilles” & “Martí l’Humà” Secondary School.

You know what, England has a problem: the police commissioner of Nottingham, the rich and stingy tax collector. Our brave hero, Robin Hood, is convinced that he is the only one who can save the country. With bow, arrows and sword, fight heroically in the name of justice. He is brave. He’s not afraid.

Robin Hood – IPA Productions from IPA Productions on Vimeo.

Have you Ever Wondered …

  • What can you discover at the library?
  • Do libraries have more than books?
  • How well do you know your local library?

It’s true! Our county library is filled with exciting adventures and other worlds waiting to be explored. And guess what? They’re not all contained within books. You might be surprised to learn about all the other resources a library has to offer.

Do British people say secondary school?

Officially, it is called secondary school, in the UK. That said, many people in the UK will refer to it as “high school”. It is technically an Americanism, but also used in the official names of many secondary schools throughout the country.

Our students really enjoyed doing these amazing activities and taking an active part in all of them.

Here you have a collection of photographs: