Paula Tarragó Español, alumna de l’escola Sagrat Cor de la ZER, ha estat guardonada en la mostra de logotips apadrinats del programa “Apadrinem el nostre patrimoni”La mostra, organitzada pel Departament d’Ensenyament, pretén fomentar el treball dels alumnes sobre el concepte i el valor del patrimoni i promoure el treball en xarxa de tots els centres dins el programa.

Aquí teniu l’enllaç de la publicació en el
Enhorabona Paula!!!


The XVIII Mediterranean Games will be held in Tarragona this summer, for this reason this school year our students have been working on The Mediterranean.
It is well-known that the Mediterranean area is home to some of the most popular destinations in the world thanks to its mild climate, turquoise sea, delicious cuisine and friendly people. However, there’s more to the Med than meets the eye.
Due to this, we decided to focus our attention on peculiar and amazing facts about it. We have prepared a quiz with unexpected questions for our students to answer using a Google form.
After completing the quiz, they decided which facts they found more interesting and they made murals which were displayed on the school’s walls.
We were amazed!!!

Dear families, now it is your turn. Do you dare to do it? How many of these fun facts did you know?
This is the Google form link:


On the morning of 14th May, the 6th grade students from primary schools in la Conca de Barberà  and 1st ESO from the two High schools in Montblanc participated in the 1st ENGLISH DAY event.

This event was organized by the English teachers from these schools with the collaboration of the Resources Centre from la Conca.

The aims of this event were to bring together primary school and high school students and use English as the language of communication.

During the course of the day, they participated in ten different activities. Some of which were aimed at discovering geographical and cultural facts about England and others were just games to encourage our students to practice English focusing their attention on speaking skills.

This was the first time we organised an event like this and they really enjoyed it and made the most of it.

We are looking forward to next year!