Diari de les estades d’immersió en anglès / Our daily journal

16th December 2019

Today it was a hard but productive day. We arrived to Seu d’Urgell and we started our activities with English teachers who were waiting for us. We talked about the Climate change and we organized a Climate convention. It was so fun!!!


17th December 2019

Today we played different roles (slaves, women,boys,men and the Goverment). We had to fight for our rights. Wow, we learnt a lot!!
In the afternoon, we visited la Seu d’Urgell and the main places by doing a game. We are exhausted!!

18th December 2019

Hi, everyone!
We are so tired but very happy!.
We learnt a lot of English, we met new people and new places.
Today, we finished our Climate change convention. We have to keep our planet safe. There is a lot to do but together, it will be easier! Do you want to help us?

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