Hem fet The healthy break!

Aquest matí, a l’hora del pati, els grups de 2n ens han preparat una molt interessant  healthy break.

21 comentaris

  1. A_D

    Va estar una activitat molt divertida i molt entretinguda, va estar una estona molt xula i que repetiriem tots.
    Vam fer un conjunt d’activitats que van estar molt completes i amb premis totes, hi havia de tot i totes les activitats eren inventades amb el nostre punt de creativitat.

  2. B_B

    Ha estat molt bé i divertit. Jo estava a marketing i el dia vaig ajudar a totes les activitas per si nessesitaven alguna cosa.

  3. G_M_C

    I participated in the Healthy Break, and it was fun! I believe the few people that came enjoyed the activities and had fun. But it could be better if there was more people, because there was only 1st of ESO…
    My activity was HEALTHY BOOKMARS, and actually it turned out pretty good! I think we did a great job, and the people that came to participate enjoyed it. Our activity wasn’t the best but it was cool.
    I have to say I saw the other activities and they seemed great!
    In general, it was a good break.

  4. A_G

    Ha estat una bona experiència i el que van fer va ser fer grups de 3 i van fer activitats relacionados amb healthy food jo vaig fer el chroma que trata de posar un fons verd i fer una foto i després posar-li photoshop

  5. P_B

    Al healthy break va ser un treball de final de Global Scholars molt divertit! La presentació era en anglès. Jo particularment vaig fer l’activitat que es deia “Take It”, on la gent havia d’agafar una poma i 3 mongetes amb la boca. La gent s’embrutava moltissim i per aixo ens vam divertir tant!

  6. J_B

    Aquesta activitat la vem fer per un projecte que es diu global scholars. Ens ho vam pasar molt bé fent les activitats! El meu grup va fer l’ activitat de ‘take it’. L’activitat consistía en agafar una poma que estaba en una galleda amb la boca i després amb la cara mullada havien de buscar unes monjetes que estaven a la farina. La farina es quedaba enganxada a la cara!

  7. M_R

    The Healthy break es un treball que hem fet pel final de Global Schoolars, ens hem repartit en grups de 3 o 4. Així hem pogut treballar amb els companys de clase i ens ho hem pasat molt bé. Yo he fet l’activitat de Fruits and Vegetables Make Up, que tracta de pintar cares amb una fruita o un vegetal, es a dir de kiwi per exemple.
    A estat un treball en el que hem apres molt i ens ho hem pasat molt be.

  8. G_R

    El healthy break va estar molt divertit encara que els de 3r i els de 4t no van vindre (la majoria).
    La meva activitat era: eco-bookmarcks va estar molt bé perquè la gent venia i feia els seus punts de llibre i s’ho passaven molt bé

  9. A_O

    This project was very fun. I had to paint the faces of other people with the shape of fruit or vegetables. Everyone had to do an activity that was very well organized. I really liked this project. Although we were only second and first of ESO.

  10. M_R

    Aquesta activitat m’ha agradat moltíssim ja que hem participat tots, he après coses noves i ha donat un resultat molt bo! L’esforç s’ha notat al treball final! Ho vull tornar a repetir!!!

  11. J_M

    Fer aquestes activitats va estar molt bé.
    A l’activitat que jo estava tractava en fer xapes i imants. Va estar molt bé aquesta activitat i va agradat molt a tothom.

  12. D_S

    I really liked the idea of ​​participating in a project which would encourage people to eat healthier and take better care of themselves, the part that I had to do was to run races with fruits and I liked to participate in it and it was a brilliant idea for people to be encouraged to eat well

  13. H_O

    Participating in the Healthy Break was very fun!
    It was funny to see how people was doing the activities (especially teachers).
    I was helping in the BADGETS AND MAGNETS activitie. It turned pretty good and people enjoyed doing it.
    While I was helping my partners I saw other activities that seemed to be so great!
    It was a great break!

  14. R_A

    I really liked this activity, it was fun ‘cause there were different ages students, professors, the director, etc.. there were lots of activities to do, so nobody got borried. People competed to get the “healthy reward” so they all were interesting and attentive about the healthy stuff, so everyone learned a lot.

  15. N_C

    El nostre projecte final per al Global Scholars, The Healthy Break, ha sortit molt bé. Aquest dijous 10 de maig els alumnes de 2n hem organitzat una sèrie d’activitats per als alumnes i els professors relacionades amb el menjar saludable. En el meu grup ens hem encarregat d’organitzar l’activitat de xapes i imants, la veritat va sortir molt bé, a la gent li va agradar molt poder realitzar la seva pròpia xapa o imant. Totes les activitats van estar molt divertides i dinàmiques. Ha estat un dia molt xulo i es podria tornar a repetir.

  16. L_F

    Jo preguntar a la gent-l’hi si els havien agradat les activitats que havien fet , si els semblava una bona idea fer aquest tipus d’activitats i si els semblava bé portar fruita a l’institut. A mi em van agradar molt les activitats. En general la gent va dir que si els agradaven les activitats i la idea de fer aquest dia .

  17. J_G_S

    I participated in the Healthy Break, and it was fun. I think that the few people who enjoyed the activities they pass it very well. But it could be better if there had been more people, because there was only 1st of ESO because there were on strike.

    I have been one of the creators of the activities of the healthy break, specifically me and two more people we have the activity of shooting recycling. It has been a very interesting activity, simple but fun. We thought about doing something that was not very difficult nor expensive, and it was fun and entertaining. We did very good job and who wanted to could enjoy our activity. I think it was one of the most activities worked of all although there were activities made with very awesome paintings. I believe that we liked a lot of people, it was a lot of fun. By the way, the winner of our activity, it took a very nice hello kitty and this girl said Blanca Sinobas 1st of ESO B.

    I didn’t see a lot of people eating fruit but the people went with respect to the activities and abide by the turn.

    I pass very well and I would like to repeat it again because they make everyone.

  18. A_ D

    I was making interviews, and at least, I realized people were agree and liked ‘The Healthy day’. And I liked ‘em too because they were all very original and interesting.

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