Nou projecte Global Scholars i Videoconferència amb Taiwan!

Ja hem enllestit un altre projecte de Global Scholars en relació a les vies d’aigua que tenim a Rubí o a prop de la nostra població.

Els alumnes han investigat sobre el passat d’aquestes vies d’aigua: La riera, La bassa del Torrent dels Alous, la Mar Mediterrània… i han descobert els usos que se’ls ha donat, la manera en que es protegeix , les condicions de l’aigua i el seu entorn i han proposat millores pel futur.

Apart dels dos power points que adjuntem també teniu algunes fotos de la videoconferència que va fer 2n ESO amb nens de Taipei en Taiwan. Hem parlat de les nostres escoles, de les nostres cultures i hobbies, de curiositats varies i del tema actual treballat en comú a Global Scholars: Les vies d’aigua de les nostres poblacions i els seu manteniment, i tot això en anglès…bona feina alumnes!!

Mercè Ramos

Aquí us deixem els powerpoints fet pels alumnes.




13 comentaris

  1. Marina García

    Hi, I’m one of those who participated in the work of the Rubi River waterway . I believe that the work went well, the result was correct. Although the work in the classroom was not so good, the hard work was done with the collaboration of the group outside the school.
    I found the whole story of the river interesting, the conditions in which is nowadays and the uses that it is given, interesting topics that I didn’t know much about.

    Sincerely Marina.

  2. Andrea Ocaña

    I have worked in the Rubí River waterway group. My job was to make the poster with Izan and Jonatan. I learned a lot of things I did not know about the Rubí River. My colleagues have done a search of information and we put it all on the poster. My colleagues have made an online presentation and others have made the research and the poster. Also a few of my group went to take pictures of the River. My project seemed very interesting to me. I’ve had a lot of fun doing this project.

  3. Daniel

    The project of the Mediterranean waterway that my group and I have done was interesting because we have learned that the port is very polluted because of the petrol and also because we are not aware that the tourism demands too much fresh water and pollutes too much.

  4. Coral i Maria E

    This project was an interesting idea.
    My class we has done posters and powers points of the Rubí stream.
    We learned that the stream of Rubí had a great history; It was used as a place to throw all the junk of the city and a horribe part of the history was when it rained a lot and there was a flood that killed hundreds of people.

  5. Blanca Sinobas

    I had to investigate about Riera de Rubí.
    I found it interesting to investigate information about the river. I learned something new about Riera that I did not know, for example, the different uses of the river, all the dirt in the houses finished there.
    -The first thing we did was to organize what each person had to do, some took the photos, others were in charge of making the poster, others looked for information, others did the Power Point …
    The people who made the poster worked outside the institute and those who did the power did it in class and we presented it to the teacher.
    This project has helped us to know more about the river and to know what people think about this waterway, and we hope you like our project !

  6. Éric García Blanco /Eric Sánchez Miguel

    This project has been interesting and entertaining, it would have been much better if people have played more attention, and had been more participative when working. The Final product has been a power point and a poster, we are proud of them!

  7. Sergi diaz

    My group made a power point of the Can Moritz fountain and a poster with other information from the fountain.
    In my group there were people that didn’t do their work and people who made the work of others.
    One thing that i didn’t like was that I had to make the most of the project with Jan, Eric t. and Daniel R.
    What I liked was that at least there were people who were serious doing the job and showed interest in the activity.

    2 ESO B
    Sergi Diaz

  8. Blanca Sinobas

    I had to investigate about Riera de Rubí.
    I found it interesting to investigate information about the river. I learned something new about Riera that I did not know, for example, the different uses of the river, all the dirt in the houses finished there.
    -The first thing we did was to organize what each person had to do, some took the photos, others were in charge of making the poster, others looked for information, others did the Power Point …
    The people who made the poster worked outside the institute and those who did the power did it in class and we presented it to the teacher.
    This project has helped us to know more about the river and to know what people think about this waterway, and we hope you like our project !!

  9. Jan Figueras

    I liked the project because I worked with friends and apart from working we have been talking while working.
    Sergi, Jan,Isaac and Dani R told people what to do, we did everything face to face and we also wrote it in a WhatsApp group.
    We made a power point and a poster and we learnt a lot about the Moritz fountain, we went there and took photos..nice experience!!

  10. Eric Torrijos of 2nB

    I was delighted to do this project because when you work as a team you
    have a good time and work in a different way.
    With my group we made Moriz fountain, which was used for making beer It is a wonderful site.
    it was a wonderful experience that I would love to repeat.

  11. Isaac Checa Tamame

    I liked this project because I think it is a good way to study English and to communicate with children from other countries. I think that it could be applied to all schools throughout the world and to make groups of schools within the same timeframes to be able to make videoconferences.
    I have studied the Can Moritz waterway and I have learnt that this source was used to make a beer that is called Moriz many year after being abandoned it was found underground but after a strong wind left half source open and nowadays it is veing rebuild in order to make to a place for families to spend their leisure time.

    Isaac checa

  12. Coral i Maria E

    This project seemed like an interesting idea.
    My class did a poster and a power point of the Rubí stream.
    We learned that the stream of Rubí had a great history; It was used to throw the trash of all the houses , and a horrible moment was when it rained a lot and it flooded, it killed three hundred people.

  13. Erwin Rodríguez Bell

    I did the work “la riera de Rubí” and for me this project was simple and quite fun because I had to do the field work taking pictures of the river and another things and helping in the creation of the Power Point.
    The work was distributed fairly well and everyone did their part. Long story short: I liked doing it.
    But I would have liked to work on another topic. Water is good but there are many better environmental issues that we could work on. For the rest, I liked it.

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