Global Scholars New Project 2n ESO A/B

Ja estem a la recta final i a Global Scholars hem anat un pas endavant. Aquesta vegada després d’estudiar el canvi climàtic i les seves conseqüències hem baixat al poble a fer enquestes, hem demanant l’opinió  de la població i les actuacions que fan per millorar la situació. Finalment hem fet unes gràfiques amb els resultats i hem reflexionat sobre el tema.
El resultat mostra que la gent està més preocupada per l’accés a aigua neta i segura que altres problemes més globals.També hem vist que en  general la gent a Rubí prefereix canviar els seus hàbits per millorar la situació que parlar amb polítics, potser la falta de confiança en actuacions municipals o governamentals fan que la gent no confii massa en aquestes vies de solucions.
Ha estat una feina interessant  i hem treballat amb un programa nou que es diu PIKTOCHART , ens ha permès una exposició visual dels resultats molt atractiva, aquí teniu unes mostres de la feina:

9 comentaris

  1. Joel Gutiérrez Delgado i Hugo Garcia Mazo

    It was a complicated project, we had to go out to the street to ask the people opinion on the subject of water, after it we made the Piktochart that is the application to make the charts.
    Despite working hard it was very entertaining.
    And the resoults they are very interesting

  2. Joel Gutiérrez Delgado i Hugo Garcia Mazo

    It was a complicated project, we had to go out to the street to ask the opinions of people on the subject of water, after they made the pictochart that is the application to make the charts.
    Despite working hard was very entertaining.
    And the results are good

  3. Joel Gutiérrez Delgado i Hugo Garcia Mazo

    It was a complicated project, we had to go out to the street to ask the opinions of people on the subject of water, after they made the pictochart that is the application to make the charts.
    Despite working hard was very interesting.
    And the results was ok.

  4. Abraham Aitor

    With this project we have learned not to contaminate. We have also learned the consequences that can be done by doing things like: throwing things on the ground, throwing things into the sea, …

  5. Camilo Perez

    A mi personalment em fa vergonya perquè no estic acostumat a parlar amb gent que no conec, per això fer les enquestes ha estat difícil però en aquest tema hem treballat i he après que la contaminació de plastic als mars és una causa de mort de molts animals marins , i que els climes extrems són causa del canvi climàtic.

  6. Ariadna Bellart González i carla arango montoro

    This project seemed very interesting to us because we learned many things about the water we did not know and we also learned that we should not contaminate because at the end this harms us and it affects our environment, the world.

    We have done some people’s surveys on climate change to know that they are more worried about, and the actions they are taking in order to solve the probem.


  7. Judith i Lucia

    We have done well because we did many interesting things like: doing surveys, doing an infographic; we learned to use a new program (the Picktochart). We also learned the opinion of the people regarding water (what they do to help the environment, who are concerned about water …)

  8. Irina Sinobas López

    Topic 4 has been a very interesting topic. We have already spoken about climate change and water pollution. It seems to me that it has been very good to know more about this subject as it is important. Somehow it makes us think that we have to be careful with what we throw into the sea. . . . It is very important our actions with this kind of things, because many things can cause many problems that we do not even realize. If we pollute the water can cause our health to worsen by drinking polluted water . . . pollution can destroy us, animals, plants . . . everything because we all need water. My opinion about the work we have done in class from the polls and the piktochart, is that it is very good because in this way we know what our population prefers. And we show that water is much more important than people think.

  9. Luna Jéssica

    On global scholars we learned more vocabulary with the project. in the last week we have done surveys and the piktochart what we had to do was: survey families, street people.
    later with that information we made some graphs with the surveys collected from each partner. We have also learned to use an application that could serve us in the coming years

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