Turistic Challenge in Pinell

The students of 2nd ESO are working in a project called Turistic Challenge. They are going to be ambassadors of their own area, the vineyards and Terra Alta.

During some months they are working with interesting tools to solve economic problems, to achieve several goals in order to improve the economy of the area, etc.

Last Tuesday, they could visit the Modernist Cellar in Pinell de Brai and with the use of iPads and the help of monitors coming from the supporter, that is Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Tarragona, students could solve some chanllenges.

It was a very entertaining activity and really motivating.

You can see some PICTURES here.

CreativationChallenge info.


Ens sap greu d’informar que l’intercanvi que teníem previst per la setmana vinent amb 2n d’ESO queda posposat fins a nova data.

Seguint instruccions del SEPIE no és recomanable que alumnes italians viatgin al centre.

Esperem que es resolgui aviat!


The last days with our Polish partners

The last days we were working with the Polish partners we had a lot to do.

On Friday, students, both from Poland and Catalonia, presented their projects, their robots and we had the competitions. also, students and teachers voted for the best logo.

One team was the winner, they got the maximum points. However, all teams had worked hard and all of them got high marks.

You can see some photos of Friday, at school and in the evening.

Then we have PICS about Saturday and the excursion.

Finally, Sunday in Barcelona, with the visit to the museums of MMACA and Barça. PICTURES.