Erasmus project, Digital citizenship through Castles

Last November 2022 we hosted students and teachers from Romania (Iasi), Sicily (Bagheria) and Turkey (Istambul).

The students worked in teams in order to solve challenges related to Castles and about our countries in Europe.

During one week, students and teachers participated in some activities organised by the hosting school in Batea and they also visited some castles in the area.

It is amazing to see how students manage to collaborate and speak by one common language and how they can work together in order to improve.

Here you can see some PHOTOS.


Tallers de preparació per als premis Injuè-Emprenedoria

The students from 3rd ESO have attended some workshops organised by the responsible people from Diputació de Tarragona. The workshops are about being entrepreneurs and much more!

Students are learning how to create a business, how to use canvas business…they are working in groups and they are designing their own project for the Premis Injuè.

The workshops are really useful as students can develop new skills related to the world of entrepreneurship.

Here you can SEE SOME PHOTOS of the workshops in our school.



Festa de la tardor 2022

Després de dies intensos preparant panellets, coques i fabioles, divendres vam gaudir de la festa de la tardor.
Al matí ens ho vam passar de por veient l’obra de teatre que havia preparat l’alumnat de 4t d’ESO. I per la tarda vam gaudir amb les representacions… Llegeix més»

A PEU PER LA TERRA ALTA 1rESO: Coll del Moro. Curs 22-23

Divendres 21 d’octubre, l’alumnat de 1r d’ESO vam fer una excursió de 10 km (Batea-Coll del moro) que va ser part de Socials i Taller del Cos. Nosaltres ens pensàvem que aniríem al restaurant, però vam anar al poblat Ibèric que està al costat i vam… Llegeix més»