My school, My life :lol: 

This Erasmus project is related with our schools, we want to make changes which are decided by our students, with their work and help, with their ideas, so that they feel that they are “in their school”.
The partners are: Austria, Latvia, Spain and the coordinator, Germany.


Batea school and town

Gagapit Game

Els i les alumnes de 4t d’ESO han pogut estrenar el joc Gagapit que feia tan temps que demanaven per al pati. Gràcies al Projecte Erasmus, finalment poden divertir-se amb el joc. Ara ensenyaran a tot l’alumnat del centre com jugar-hi.

Students of 4th ESO have started playing the Game Gagapit. This is a game that they have been asking for so long that now they are really glad to play with it and show the rest of students from the school to play the Gagapit game.

Have a look at some PHOTOS

Thanks to an Erasmus project related to our playground, we can now enjoy the GAME.

La UOC participa en una iniciativa europea per afavorir la cocreació de  coneixement per abordar problemàtiques socials

My school My life Erasmus Project

Our students from 3rd ESO presented their proposal about the playground to our Directora dels Serveis Territorials d’Ensenyament a les Terres de l’Ebre, Montserrat Perelló.

They explained her that they have work hard preparing some ideas and plans for our new playground. They have a lot of ideas that they have prepared with their partners from Erasmus project “My School my Life” (Germany, Austria and Latvia). Now they are going to present the ideas to the rest of classes from our school in Batea and all students will debate about the best designs and opinions.

We think it is a great project and the students have worked a lot, with a lot of effort and enthusiasm.

You can check our space in Twinspace.


Avui, 16 de maig, els alumnes de 1r i 2n d’ESO juntament amb els alumnes de l’Erasmus k229 (Àustria, Letònia i Alemanya) han participat en la quinzena edició del TRADIJOC a Gandesa. Aquesta trobada anual agermana alumnes dels instituts de la Ribera d’Ebre i de la Terra Alta que passen un magnífic dia coneixent els jocs tradicionals de les nostres comarques.

Aquí teniu l’enllaç de la notícia al TN comarques de TV3.


Els nostres alumnes de 2n, la Laura, la Paula, la Marian, la Mar, l’Alba, el Guillem, l’Eduard i l’Anna continuen el seu Erasmus+ a Àustria, amb els seus companys de la ciutat de Freistadt. Dimecres varen gaudir de diferents tallers a l’institut i ahir varen celebrar, entre altres, el concurs del LOGO d’aquest Erasmus+ “My school, my life”. La guanyadora va ser la nostra alumna Anna Tobia. Encaren avui la recta final de l’estada en terres austríaques. Aquí teniu un recull fotogràfic.