Recollida de JOGUINES noves

Benvolgudes famílies,

els i les alumnes de 4t ESO duen a terme una matèria anomenada Servei Comunitari. El Servei Comunitari per a l’alumnat de secundària obligatòria, és una acció educativa, en el marc del currículum obligatori, que vol promoure que els alumnes experimentin i protagonitzin accions de compromís cívic, aprenguin en l’exercici actiu de la ciutadania, i posin en joc els seus coneixements i capacitats al servei de la comunitat.

Durant el curs portaran a terme diferents tasques vinculades a aquesta acció. Una d’elles és la recollida de JOGUINES noves per a Creu Roja, una campanya prou reconeguda ja que aporta moments de felicitat a nens i nenes que tenen pocs recursos.

Us animem a què porteu les vostres joguines al centre durant les dates indicades. Us estarem molt agraïts.


Capses d’aprenentatge, 1r ESO: How can QR codes help us in the library?

Students from 1st ESO: one group chose the BOX related to QR codes. They prepared very challenging material that will be very useful in the library and for other people. They discovered some interesting things they didn’t know about QR codes. They realised codes are very important nowadays. These students did a marvellous presentation.

Have a look at some PHOTOS

1r ESO, Capses d’aprenentatge: Let’s travel to Norway

Students from 1st ESO: there was 1 group that chose the BOX that was a suitcase, they had to prepare a trip to a city they decided in their team. It was Oslo, Norway. They prepared a really interesting presentation that motivated all of us to travel to Norway one day in the future! Besides, they cooked waffles, typical food from Norway, and they prepared some for their classmates. They were delicious. Thanks!!

Have a look at some PHOTOS.

Results of the Kahoot “BIS project” Erasmus+

During Erasmus Days, the partners of the Erasmus project BIS (BUILDING THE INCLUSIVE AND CREATIVE SCHOOL FOR THE FUTURE) played a kahoot game about the 5 partner countries (UK, Greece, Portugal, Spain and Romania, the coordinator). Students had fun playing the game and they could also learn some facts or important info about their partners. Besides, some of them communicated by the Chat tool MEET.

Kahoot Erasmus Day 2020 BIS project Erasmus-1

Kahoot Erasmus Day 2020 BIS project Erasmus

Have a look at some PHOTOS