First day at Oliva

Good evening, everyone!

We are the sixth graders’ group and we want to tell you about our day at Oliva, the language immersion campus. In the morning, we had breakfast at 9 o’clock and we had a funny lesson about Robin Hood and Classic Tales. We played Kahoot and we created some brilliant stories while playing with the StoryCubes. 

After a snack break, we participated in an archery competition and then we had lunch (the fideuà was tasty!). In the afternoon, we did the Brain Gym routine (kinesiology) and we had our first lesson of the Primavera EXPO project with Judith and T. Sara and we discovered some recipes from our countries: Jamaica, Canada, USA, Ireland & UK.

Then, we spent some time playing in the Oliva beach. We love volleyball! Now we are ready to take a shower, have dinner and play the night game “The Magic Stick”. 

To be continued! 🙂