Last day at Oliva

Good evening, everyone!
Today is the last day of our language immersion experience and we are right now packing for tomorrow’s trip.
Our morning started with a Bio expedition along the riverside where we had to find different natural elements of the landscape. Then, we arrived to… Llegeix més»

Third day at Oliva

Good evening, everyone!
This is our third day at Oliva and we are working on English while having fun. We have had private lessons (1 to 1 speaking sessions with the Campus teachers) and we have turned into singers and dancers today. We started making a LIP… Llegeix més»

Second day at Oliva

Good evening, everyone!
Today is our second day at the Campus and we are starting to get used to communicating in English with our teachers, classmates and the friends of the Baleares school (they are from Mallorca and they are very nice!).
This morning we started working… Llegeix més»

L’acrosport de 4rt!

Els nens i nenes de 4t han treballat l’Acrosport a Educació Física. Aquesta pràctica combina força, equilibri, creativitat i control i consciència corporal. A més, tot treballant en diferents agrupacions: parelles, trios i fins i tot grups de 4 i de 5 alumnes. Mireu quines… Llegeix més»