Welcome to our brand English site!

Volem donar les gràcies a tot l’alumnat de l’escola per l’acollida tan espectacular que està tenint la pàgina web d’English. Això demostra el vostre interès per aprendre i ens motiva a seguir construint coneixements junts! On this website you will find lots of resources, fun activities to reinforce our learning, and much more…

Have fun!

ERASMUS DAYS is coming!

Erasmus days is the celebration campaign that highlights the benefits of European mobility, by disseminating projects from the Erasmus+ program, involving the educational community and citizens in general.

This year, we are participating with our cultural week. Stay tuned to the different activities we are planning!

S’apropen els Erasmus days!
Erasmus Days és la campanya de celebració que posa en valor els beneficis de la mobilitat europea, mitjançant la difusió de projectes del programa Erasmus+, implicant la comunitat educativa i la ciutadania en general.

Aquest any, participem amb la nostra setmana cultural. Estigueu atents a les diferents activitats que estem programant!

Happy Saint George’s day!

We can use every special day to work on specific vocabulary, expressions and culture. In this case, we use Saint George’s (an England and Catalonian important date) to learn specific vocabulary. There is a page on our English site to practice. Happy Saint George’s day!

Easter Egg Hunt! 

We have finished the term doing an Easter Egg Hunt! The fourth-year, fifth-year and sixth- year students have worked interdisciplinary English, P.E. and Maths. They have located the eggs in their coordinates and we have written sentences such as “There is an egg under the stairs” but above all … we had a great time!

Caça d’ous de Pasqua! Hem acabat el trimestre fent una caça d’ous de Pasqua! Els alumnes de quart, cinquè i sisè han treballat anglès, educació física i matemàtiques de forma interdisciplinaria. Han localitzat els ous a les seves coordenades i hem escrit frases com “Hi ha un ou sota les escales” però sobretot… ens ho vam passar molt bé!

Cooperative technique 1-2-4

Writing expressions in group: with the cooperative technique 1-2-4 we allow students to self regulate their learning process: they work individually, then in pairs and finally in small group.


In Middle Cycle we are starting a project about an animal of their interest. Sharing with them the steps they need to fulfill, as well as the assessment items that we are considering, we allow them to self regulate their learning process. Results coming soon 🙂


Keith Haring

This Keith Haring project is giving our 4th and 3rd graders a lot of practice with figure drawing, lines and repetitions. They work hard!