Last  week, on the 12th of April 2023, we took a walk with the Marinada school of Vilanova de Bellpuig and we walk  4,6km.This was from 3:00 to 4:30. We arrived at the irrigation channel.

A lot of families came and walked with us. It was a sunny and windy day.

This walk is very long but it was fun.

To watch photos click HERE.

Publicació feta pels alumnes de la Comunitat de Grans.


New challenge


The 18th of April, the students of 6th level class went to a sports day in Mollerussa, with all the kids of el Pla d’Urgell.

They did a lot of fun activities, like dodgeball, hockey, relay races, frisbee, …

This day we have fun doing different sports.

Click on the photo to see more.


Publicació feta pels alumnes de la Comunitat de Grans


On Thurday 20th of April, Marinada school did a competition. It is called “Jocs florals” This is a competition of drawing and writing poems from 4th to 6th level.
It’s about reading loud too.
By 4th, 5th and 6th level Children
Click this poster to see some photos:
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