Hello everyone!

After working really hard during almost a month an a half, pupils in the Third Cycle are ready for the Final!

During April and half May, pupils in the Local Journalist’s and Ipsa Pera’s classrooms have been memorizing a poem to be recited in front of all the school community via a video.

They all had a rubric to know what the most important aspects the judges will take into account were; such as: the memorization, the pronunciation, the pitch, the eye-contact with the audience, the dramatization and even all those materials needed to make the poem more understandable for all the school community.

Videos are already prepared to be watched by all of you and… during the next week, pupils in the Upper Cycle will self-assess and peer-assess the final productions. We will also have the collaboration of pupils in the Second Cycle who will assess them too;  without forgetting the English Teachers, of course! Thank you to everyone for your implication and dedication.

So…all is set for the final! Who will win? Are you nervous? Next week we will have the final veredict.

From now on, just wishing GOOD LUCK and HAVE A BALL watching THE VIDEOS (remember that only members with the school mail can watch them):



A message for all the participants: There will be only 3 winners to reach the podium, but ALL OF YOU ARE WINNERS, since having taken evidences with several videos, you have checked how you have improved from mid April to mid May. So… whatever the results are, all of you have already won! HATS OFF CHILDREN!

See you soon!





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