During this week, pupils in the Third Cycle of Primary Education have been participating into an Easter Escape Classroom.

They had to overcome 3 challenges and… to get their final EXIT TICKET, they had to prepare a video with MyTalkingPet App, telling a tongue twister related to Easter. Obviously, they had to say it the faster the better. And… only if they could upload it on a Padlet, they got a funny surprise.

Do you want to get this surprise too? Then, give it a chance and try to play this Easter Breakout Edu. BREAK A LEG!

In Class A, we already have the pair of pupils who could escape the room!! Hats off Roger and Oriol!!!

You shot a stunning video telling your tongue twisters. AWESOME!


In Class B, we already have the pupil who could escape the room!! Hats off Blai!!!

You shot an awesome video telling your tongue twister. WELL DONE!


You can enjoy listening and learning more tongue twisters on this Padlet. Great job kids! You are very good at both telling tongue twisters and ICT!

I hope you had a ball playing with the final games you got as a reward.

For those children who are still struggling with the Easter Egg Hunt Escape Classroom… Cheer up!

We are eager to watch all your videos!!!!!!



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