Finally, the end of the Project has come and with it the end of the school year 2021-22. We have been working collaboratively and learning a lot for about nine months and all of you can be really proud of your learning progress.

Finalment, el final del Projecte ha arribat i amb ell el final del curs escolar 2021-22. Hem estat treballant col·laborativament i aprenent molt durant quasi nou mesos i tots/es vosaltres podeu estar ben orgullosos/es del vostre progrés d’aprenentatge.

Last week, pupils in the Third Cycle of Primary Education were given the CERTIFICATES in the “Cultural Exchange” eTwinning Project  as a recognition of their hard work and effort throughout all the school year.

La setmana passada, l’alumnat del Cicle Superior d’Educació Primària van rebre els CERTIFICATS del Projecte eTwinning “Intercanvi Cultural” com a reconeixement del seu gran treball i esforç al llarg d’aquest curs escolar.

All teachers involved in this project (from Turkey, Slovakia and us) are very proud of the final results and improvements made by all of you.

Tots els/les mestres involucrats en aquest projecte (de Turquia, Eslovàquia i nosaltres) estem molt orgullosos dels resultats finals i de les millores fetes per tots vosaltres.

We hope this Cultural Exchange has made you grow and understand the importance of valueing and respecting the plurilingual and multicultural diversity. We all are different, but unique and important in this current society. This year we have grown and glowed culturally.

Desitgem que aquest Intercanvi Cultural us hagi fet créixer i entendre la importància de valorar i respectar la diversitat plurilingüe i multicultural. Tots som diferent, però únics i importants en la societat actual. Aquest any hem crescut i brillat culturalment.



Have a lovely and well-deserved Summer Holidays!

Que tingueu unes meravelloses i ben merescudes vacances d’estiu!

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