English Day

Last Friday our sixth-graders finally celebrated the 9th English Day. It was a day to practise the English language through games with the participation of the sixth-grade pupils from eight schools of Cerdanyola. It was the culmination of a series of activities that we have been carrying out during all the year, such as the pen-pal project.

This day was an amazing experience, both an opportunity to put into practice our oral skills and also to make new friends.

Furthermore, during the year each student had created a poster to advertise this Day, and at the end of the games we announced the winners and the final poster, which showed all the winner creations from the different schools that had taken part in the activity.

After the intense experience, our pupils wrote down their impressions on a Jamboard, which is like an interactive board. Here you have the result.

We are looking forward to repeating this experience next year, and we absolutely want to congratulate all the participants, present or not on this day, for taking part in all the proposals involved in this project. Thank you!!

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