“Brown Bear” book project (Y1&Y2)

The process of our project:
1) We read the book and learned the vocabulary.
2) We chose the animals from the book.
3) We made the puppets. It was very creative process!
4) We learned the story.
5) We performed. Everybody enjoyed the show.


Year 3 and Year 4 went to “Lluïsos d’Horta” to enjoy a play in English. It was a modern and funny version of Snow White. Children had a great time at the Theatre: they sang the songs and even some of them went on stage… Llegeix més»


Els Pins school participated in the TV Show “Fish and Chips”. Mireia, Marta and Javi from Year 6 represented our school and all the students from Year 3 to Year 6 were there to support them as audience. They did great and it was a… Llegeix més»

Carnaval 2016

El passat divendres 5 de febrer vàrem celebrar a l’escola el Carnestoltes, després de passar una setmana ven diferent i divertida seguint les consignes que ens anava donant dia a dia.
Al matí tots ben disfressats amb la temàtica de l’aire, vam anar fent una foto… Llegeix més»