Clothes shop

Good Morning!

Today the 3rd grade boys and girls have been playing shopping in english!

As a part of the current topic we are developing, wich it is clothing, today we have started a very motivating and yet competent activity that includes not only the clothing vocabulary but also maths, problem solving and numbers.

In the english classroom we have decorated one corner as it was a clothing store, as you can see in the pictures avobe. Following some instructions, our students have calculated how much money the had, then they wrote the shopping list with all the items and prices. Finally, they have calculated how much money they were to spend and realise whether they had some money left or not.

After that, they went to the clothes store to shop, as in real life! They had a very good time playing shopping in english!

Bon dia!

Avui els nenes i nenes de 3r han jugat a la botiga en anglès!

Com a part del tema que estem treballant, el vocabulari de la roba, avui hem fet una activitat molt motivadora i competencial que inclou, a més a més, càlcul, resolució de problemes i numeració en aquesta llengua.

A l’aula d’anglès hem decorat un racó com una botiga de roba, com podeu veure a les fotografies. Seguint unes indicacions, els alumnes han calculat quants diners tenien, han fet la llista de la compra amb tots els productes i els preus. Finalment, han calculat quants diners s’han gastat i si els hi sobra diners o no.

Després dels càlculs, s’han dirigit a la botiga de roba i han comprat com si fos de veritat! Han gaudit i après molt amb aquesta activitat.

Esperem que gaudiu de les fotografies.