English Day and English Theatre ZAPPING

Last Thursday, 12th April, English teachers from Alt Berguedà prepared different activities in English. We did games in groups with the students from others schools (La Pobla, Guardiola, la ZER and Sant Jordi). Some games were amazing, for example, battle ship, memory, domino, twister, bingo, ready – steady – go!, ….

Then we had breakfast and we went to the theatre to watch the play ZAPPING.

The main characters were Nicky, Brian and Eli. And the story was about a girl who had bad luck because she didn’t listen to her father and she didn’t pass the univers exam, also, in the talent show she couldn’t sing very well. Suddenly she found a zapper and everything have changed.

After that, we went to Parc Bastareny to have lunch and we could play with other students.

In the afternoon we retuned to the school and we danced and sang English songs.

It was a fantastic day, we think that we like to repeat it!

També hem sortit a TV Berga!

The story of my life

You can watch our presentations!

Eloi Bonet

Jan Sala

Marc Viñas

Joan Rueda

Alex Gallardo

Manu Perez

Iona Fernandez

Soraya Carvalho

Carlos Chaverra

Karen Alarcon

Nerea Nieto

Aina Rueda

Pere Pons

Jordi Moreno

David Lucas

Jordi Martin

Here I upload my poster, so you can take it as a model.


Benvolgudes famílies,

Aquest any, com ja sabeu, hem canviat els llibres d’anglès i aquests també incorporen activitats online perquè els vostres fills i filles puguin practicar a casa.

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