Notícies del lloc

Nou bloc de l'Institut Escola

von Administrador IE de Castellterçol -

Hem creat un nou bloc del centre. Us convidem a visitar-lo anant a la següent adreça:

La intenció és millorar la informació i la comunicació entre tots els membres de la comunitat. L'estructura que hem donat al bloc ens permet millorar la claretat  i com que augmentem la capacitat de l'espai millorarem també la quantitat d informació que podem publicar. Mica a mica passarem a destinar aquest espai moodle als treballs d'alumnes, cosa per la qual és una eina molt potent.


Per si és del vostre interès dir-vos que anant al final de tot de la barra lateral veureu que podeu seguir les notícies del bloc només escrivint el vostre mail. Esperem que us animeu a fer-vos seguidors nostres i que us agradi el bloc que us oferim.

En aquests moments en el bloc hem penjat diverses notícies sobre treballs d'alumines i un recull d'imatges de la FESTA DE CARNAVAL. Si voleu veure els menús del menjador i el darrer "estelet" també cladrà que us adreceu a aquest bloc. en el lateral d'aquest espai moodle hi teniu l'enllaç que us hi portarà directament.


Assignatura de Biologia i Geologia de 4t d'ESO. Curs 2017-2018.

Benvinguts al curs!!!

Benvinguts al curs de Tecnologia!!


Curs per als alumnes de 3r que estan cursant Fotografia en Curs

This course is for the students of 1st and 2nd of ESO who are with me in the workshop called DRAMA IN ENGLISH.

This course is to help my students in their Reading and writing class.

Aqui teniu el dossier del treball de síntesi. 


Objective: Learning by using common structures in English in a real situations.

Synopsis: Every team must create a role-play script and perform it at class in front of the rest of the groups. Firstly it is a writing task, every team have to think and write a real situation to perform. Worksheet guidelines are given to help students.  Every team must write one conversation, the first exercise will be: "Enrolling at an English course in England" but students are going to performance much more during the lective year All of them are going to be rela life situations, to improve general English skills.

Abilities/skills: Learning how to use different common structures in English. Improving writing skills and speaking ( mostly reading, pronunciations and fluency)


All the project will be guided by the teacher in every stage. Working by groups from 2 to 4 or 5 persons maximum. 

  • Writing in English. Dialogues. Development of a real-life situation
  • Working the script: writing the script, learning and memorising the text. Every member of a group must performance, at least, one character.
  • Practice/improving the right pronunciation for the final performance.
  • Performance on live at class. Audio recording by the teacher/students
  • Listening, all the class, and learning from the mistakes, review and corrections. 
  • 2nd audio recording improved. 
  • Review and critique of every 2 performances with the whole group. 

Assessment: The teacher will give an assessment, by team/group and individually, at the end of every project.

Curs suport seguiment implantació ILEC

Al llarg d'aquest curs ens endinsarem a l'època medieval i moderna.

PELE CS: Oral English skills project. Learning and practice oral skills in English.


Objective: Learning by using common structures in English in a real situations.

Synopsis: Every team must create a role-play script and perform it at class in front of the rest of the groups. Firstly it is a creativity task, every team have to think and write a real situation to perform. Every team must choose one situation, such as: at class, shopping, asking/giving information, at the train station, airport or bus station, a day off at school, a trip...can be any situation, creativity and ingenuity will be welcome!.

Abilities/skills: Learning how to use different common structures in English. Improving pronunciation, writing skills and IT (Information technology).


All the project will be guided by the teacher in every stage. Working by groups from 3 to 5 persons maximum.

  • Creative writing in English. Development of a real-life situation
  • Working the script: writing the script, Learning and memorising the text, every member of a group must performance, at least, one character.
  • Practice/improving the right pronunciation for the final performance.
  • Performance on live at class. Video recording by the teacher/students.
  • Review and critique of every performance with the whole group.

Assessment: The teacher will give an assessment, by team/group and individually, at the end of every project. 

Estudiarem la prehistòria, l'Edat Antiga (Mesopotàmia, Egipte, Grècia,  els pobles  preromans i els romans).  aprofundirem en els climes, paisatges i el relleu del món.

En aquest curs realitzarem un estudi estadístic, incloent les diferents taules de freqüències, gràfics, percentatges i càlcul de diferents paràmetres.

En aquest espai es veuran reflexats els diferents treballs que fem en l'assignatura de laboratori de 3r d'ESO