Saint Patrick’s Day

Avui es celebra Saint Patrick’s Day🍀. Desde l’area d’anglès, vos fem arribar aquesta petita activitat per fer en família 👪 en motiu d’aquest dia. Esperem que aprengueu molt i practiqueu l’anglès!

March 17th is Saint Patrick’s Day, a very important day for the Irish! How much do you know about Ireland?

Nens, nenes, pares, mares, avis, àvies, practiqueu l’anglès amb aquesta divertida prova. Què sabeu sobre Irlanda ?…


1.What is the capital of The Republic of Ireland?

a)Belfast  b)Dublin  c)London

2.Who is the patron saint of Ireland?

a)Saint George  b)Saint Andrew  c)Saint Patrick

3.How many of these musicians and bands come from Ireland?

a)U2  b)Van Morrison  c)Led Zeppelin

4.Which of these actors is Irish? He played Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn in the Star Wars films.

a)Matt Damon  b)Liam Neeson  c)Robert Downey Jr.

5.What colour are the shirts of the Ireland national rugby and football teams?

a)Green  b)Red   c)Blue

6.What is the language that most people in Ireland speak as a first language?

a)Gaelic  b)English  c)Welsh

7.Which famous Irishman said “I have nothing to declare but my genius”.

a)Arnold Schwarzenegger  b)Cristiano Ronaldo  c)Oscar Wilde

8.What musical instrument is often used as a symbol of Ireland?

a)The harp  b)The fiddle (violin)  c)The guitar

9.O’Connor, O’Brien and O’Neil are all common Irish surnames. What did the “O” in the surname originally mean?

a)Big  b)Strong  c)Son of

10.The Republic of Ireland is in..

a)England  b)Catalonia  c)Europe



Answers: 1 b), 2 c), 3 U2 and Van Morrison come from Ireland, Led Zeppelin are English, 4 b), 5 a), 6 b, 7 c, 8 a, 9 c), 10 c


Have a nice day!😊

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