Halloween stories

4t A
Yanira and Clara [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaY-pakDCZU[/youtube]
Nihad and Ayman [youtube]https://youtu.be/Cl5s-mWFaCc[/youtube]
Ivan and Leo [youtube]https://youtu.be/P-qFjpXZ3AI[/youtube]
Joand and Sara [youtube]https://youtu.be/zRkDgYkn6PE[/youtube]
Miguel and Alejandro [youtube]https://youtu.be/D8-2MhOqgno[/youtube]
Paula and Judith [youtube]https://youtu.be/SYWMLS5ZElk[/youtube]
Yanira and Clara [youtube]https://youtu.be/yaY-pakDCZU[/youtube]
Javi, Alex and Carmen [youtube]https://youtu.be/Rubvrqs8ZEc[/youtube]
Jose Hernández, Daira and Yassin [youtube]https://youtu.be/_Esj19-61pE[/youtube]
Karen and David [youtube]https://youtu.be/C9CZWxieDC4[/youtube]
Neus and Izan [youtube]https://youtu.be/TZTRGSU8HN4[/youtube]
4t B
Noemi, Farah and Rocio[youtube]https://youtu.be/8C3IWGWLpZw[/youtube]
Aaron, Alba and Saray [youtube]https://youtu.be/A1wnkP7-dNo[/youtube]
Hajar and Emma [youtube]https://youtu.be/RjQ4_a60g2M[/youtube]
Adam and Ivan [youtube]https://youtu.be/mA8RmF97f9w[/youtube]
Miguel and Youssef [youtube]https://youtu.be/516hSahMBEE[/youtube]
Hiba, Miguel… Llegeix més»

2nd grade Little Monsters for Halloween!

Happy Halloween families!
On 2nd grade we celebrate Halloween with this amusing Super Simple Song
When we already knew the song, we represented in our Halloween Puppets Theatre!
Do you want to watch our performances?
Don’t get scared, we are just little monsters!
Puppets show 2n A[youtube]https://youtu.be/NSVb_nNrgmQ[/youtube]
Puppets show 2B [youtube]https://youtu.be/pVGcd38ejFg[/youtube]
Feliç Halloween… Llegeix més»

4th grade routines

Hi everyone
We want to show you our daily routines at the English classroom
Every day, when we arrive to the English classroom, we say Good morning to the teacher and we sing the days of the week song.

Then, we stick the day and how are we… Llegeix més»

2nd grade routines

Hi everyone
We want to show you our daily routines at the English classroom
Every day, when we arrive to the English classroom, we say Good morning to the teacher and we sing the days of the week song.

Then, we stick the day and how are we… Llegeix més»

Welcome to the English Blog!

Hello everyone!
This is Escola Sant Julià’s English Blog!
You’ll find information about how we work and the activities we do at the English Class
Hola a tots
Aquest és el bloc de l’Àrea d’Anglès de l’Escola Sant Julià.
Aquí trobareu informació sobre com treballem i quines activitats fem a… Llegeix més»