To review parts of a plant

As next week we have the Science test about plants you can review parts of a plant with Quizlet. You have also in another post below the videos about photosynthesis and pollination.

Com que la setmana que ve tenim la prova de Science sobre les plantes… Llegeix més»


We have a new song to learn what we do when we are happy, sad, angry, surprised, hungry, scared, shy and feeling sleepy.
Tenim una nova cançó per aprendre què fem quan estem feliços, tristos, enfadats, sorpresos, amb gana, espantats, tímids i amb son.

A trip across the History

Hi you all!
During the second term, the students of 4th grade have been working on prehistory.
They met some kids from the main ages of the prehistory; Rocco from the Paleolithic, Blaze from the Neolithic, Rust from the Bronze Age and Adamantine from the Iron age.
They… Llegeix més»

Some videos about plants

Dr Binocs explains us different things about the plants:
El Dr Binocs ens explica diferents coses sobre les plantes.

The plants

Today we start a new project. We are going to learn a lot of things about the plants!

Avui comencem un nou projecte. Aprendrem moltes coses sobre les plantes!

Goals for 2018

4th-grade students have started the year thinking about their goals for 2018
Do you want to listen them saying their goals? Watch these videos
Goals of 4th A
Goals of 4th B
And you? Which are your goals for 2018?


Here you have some videos to learn about pollution and other Earth’s problems and how to help our planet to be healthy:
Aquí teniu uns videos per aprendre sobre la contaminació i la resta de problemes de la Terra i com ajudar al nostre planeta… Llegeix més»