Projecte “Els cinc sentits”

Som els alumnes de tercer i us volem explicar coses del projecte dels Sentits que estem fent.
Primer a classe es van repartir pomes i les vam anar passant per mirar-les, tocar-les, tastar- les, olorar-les i escoltar el soroll que feien al partir-les.  … Llegeix més»

Some little monsters

Hi everyone!
These weeks we have been working on Halloween and we discovered a terrific song.
We made our own video. Do you want to watch it?

Go away terrible monsters

Hello you all!
These days we have been working on Halloween with 2nd graders.
We learnt this song.
And we create our own spooky creatures to made our cover of the song.
Hope you had a terrific time listening to it!

Owl’s project

Hello everybody!
The students from 1st grade are doing a project about the owls, our class animal.
Do you want to see how do we work?
We review the owl’s body parts.
We study the owl’s life cycle.
Did you see how do we learn at the same time that… Llegeix més»

Charlotte is here!

Hello students! I am very happy to be at your school this year!
I was very excited to watch your video…
So here you have my video!

Scary creations with clay

Wow!” That was really scary!
3rd grade pupils did their best to make halloween creations with playdough. Vampires, witches, pumpkins… It was amazing, and they enjoyed so much! 🙂

4th Halloween

Some challenges and work in group for a terrifying Halloween!!!



Alguns reptes i feina en grup per a un Halloween terrorífic!