A very special party

On Friday 30th October the pupils at Sant Roc school celebrated la Castanyada and Halloween.

In the morning, they made arts and crafts: they made witches, legs, boots and shoes (photo) to decorate the school.

In the afternoon, they sang a song about Chestnut Time (La Castanyada en anglès) and they recieved a very special videocall from la Castanyera!

Later, they went to the playground to eat chestnuts and cake and to play.

                                                                                                             By Eloi, Pere Miquel and Hug

1 comentari

  1. Marta Santaulària

    Hola a tots i totes!
    Què bé que canteu… i en anglès!!!
    Felicitaaats! Llàstima de no veure-ho en directe!
    Esperem que aviat ho poguem celebrar plegats!!!

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