English News 45: Important information about our Green School Project

Dear families,

Our school is part of the Network of Green Schools of Catalonia. In this sense, these schoolyears we have chosen as main axes of the project the reduction of waste and the promotion of healthy habits of life.

During the first trimester, an interview was conducted to evaluate the aspects of the student. The analysis of the results reveals the need to work on the coast of the entire educational community in order to increase awareness of these points. In this direction, on the website of the Green School, there is the complete statement.

From our Institute, I believe we can face this problem from the educational community as a whole. The first country is, without a doubt, the reflection and awareness of this situation. For our part we have already begun different educational actions related to healthy eating, some of them that started last year. On the other hand, we are working on a healthier products offer in our dining room.

We asking families if you want to contribute to the center, beyond what you can do at home in relation to these issues send us your suggestions using the following form:

(Traducció: Amanda Mor)