Recommended App of the week – Color Switch

Recommeded App: Color Switch

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Aquesta setmana la app que hem triat ha estat Color Switch. Creiem que és una app que serveix per passar l’estona quan no tens res a fer i estàs avorrit, ja que és un joc entretingut, encara que molt repetitiu, creiem que haurien de posar diferents gràfics i diferents maneres de passar de nivell i no tota l’estona amb els colors…

Aquesta app ha estat creada per Fortafy games, ja hi té 50 milions de descarregues, amb una nota de 4,5 de Google Play i mols comentaris afavoreixen la app ja que la renoven seguidament i a les festes com per exemple, Halloween agafen la temàtica i posen nivells a on surten fantasmes…

Això ens fa pensar que per nadal si el joc continuarà estant de moda i seguiran fent altres events especials, però aquesta vegada amb la temàtica de Nadal.També creiem que si Fortafy games segueix creant jocs, cada vegada anirà millorant ja que aquest joc ha estat el primer, i ha estat molt reconegut.

Recommended App: Color Switch

This week we have tried the app Color Switch. We believe it is an app used to kill time when you have nothing to do and you’re bored. Because it is an entertaining game, although very repetitive. We believe the company should put different graphics and different ways to pass the level instead of using the colors…

This app has been created by Fortafy games. It already has 50 million downloads, with a score of 4.5, and Google Play app reviews encouragement has renewed since then and celebrations such as Halloween have turned into events in which ghosts appear in levels.

This suggests that by Christmas the game will still continue to be in fashion and it will add other special events, but this time with the theme of Xmas. We believe that if Fortafy games continue to create games, they will improve because this game has been the first, and has been recognized.