Translation of Ernest Hemingway’s tale, “The man at the bridge”

Some 15-year-old students in 4th high school grade (4t ESO, in Catalan), who are following both humanistic and artistic studies, have made an outstanding translation of Ernest Hemingway’s tale, “The man at the bridge”, based on the devastating bombing of the Amposta hanging bridge in spring 1938. They have also made some very beautiful drawings and pictures in order to recreate one of the saddest moments of the 1936-1939 Civil War in our region.
Besides, during the month of May they will be recording the same tale in both Catalan and English. Thus, they are going to complete their work about one of the most moving narrative story of the bloody war. 1954 Nobel Prize winner Ernest Hemingway wrote some of the most outstanding articles in the North American press in April 1938, after witnessing the terrible bombings that took place in the lower Ebro region.

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