Workshop weeks: learning games

As the American poet, Diane Ackerman, once said “Play is our brain’s favourite way of learning”. Our game was an adapted version of the well-known  “The trivial”, which made our students aware of how much English they knew. In teams of four, they answered different types of questions: vocabulary, grammar, …  to get as many  coloured  pieces of cheese as they could.  They revised and learned playfully.  As they enjoyed the game so much, time went by quickly. We finished it taking a picture and shouting “Cheese”!

Tal com va dir una vegada la poetessa Americana Diane Ackerman. “jugar és la forma d’aprendre preferida del nostre cervell” El nostre joc va ser una versió adaptada del conegut “Trivial” que va fer adonar-se els nostres alumnes de l’anglès que saben. En equips de quatre, van haver de contestar diferents tipus de preguntes: vocabulari, gramàtica, …. per aconseguir com més formatgets de colors millor. Van aprendre jugant. Com que s’ho van passar tan bé el temps va passar volant. I és clar, vam acabar amb una foto de grup!!