La companyia de teatre Jumping Ducks ens visita per fer-nos uns tallers (workshops). Cada grup treballarà una cançó diferent.

Els alumnes de sisè A trien : Happy by Pharrell Williams,  i els de sisè B:  Shake it off  byTaylor Swift.

Last Friday we met Alex, a professional singer, dancer and actor.

To learn the song and its choreography we played some fun games. First we warmed up our bodies and then our voices.

We had fun singing the song and dancing all together.

At the end of the session we asked him some questions to discover curiosities about his work. 

Ha estat una activitat molt guai i ben diferent. Hem gaudit i hem pogut millorar l’oïda i la comprensió lingüística en anglès.

Si cliqueu els enllaços, veureu com ens ho vam passar!!!


SISÈ A. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18EjFPCi5JrVT2BDFKLr1BeBa9Zqf4roF?usp=sharing

SISÈ B https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Sd4j0pjCYEqXFS_68c8y1eb1eu4XOFSZ?usp=sharing