“Escuela acogedora de profesores extranjeros”

Captura de pantalla 2017-05-11 a les 9.12.57

Seguint la línia del treball de l’anglès des de tots els àmbits de l’escola, hem estat escollits per rebre professorat d’altres països i col·laborar amb ells en la seva formació.

Us anirem informant!!!

Project 1r: The dinosaur body

This last term we learned about the dinosaur body parts and as we learned it so fast we decided to create a puppets show! Look how well we pronounce the vocabulary! We had a lot of fun and we used the tablets to record ourselves.

Project 5è: Chemistry and Spies (robotics)

The Year 5 group class have become spies this term and they have solved a big puzzle with the help of robotics. Watch this video and see how they master this little robots.

Project 2n: Stone Age

What do you know about the Stone Age? Our Year 2 class has learnt lots and has created a mini Stone Age play using their puppets. Watch it!

Project 3r: Synchronized Swimming

In the English class we have been practising our Synchronized Swimming movements, do you want to see the videos? We also became judges of the competition… who is going to be the winner?