Hem fet de periodistes!

La Fundació Miró ens ha convidat a anar a conèixer Antony Penrose, fill de la fotògrafa Lee Miller, una fotògrafa nord-americana. Antony  Penrose, que també és fotògraf, va conèixer Miró de petit i, ja de gran va escriure un llibre que va titular “Els animals màgics de Miró”, “Miró’s Magic animals”.

Ens ha explicat moltes coses de la seva vida i de la relació amb en Joan Miró. Tota l’explicació ha sigut en anglès i les preguntes que li hem fet nosaltres també.

Ha sigut molt interessant i li hem regalat uns dibuixos que hem fet a la classe sobre els animals fantàstics, s’ha emocionat!



Meeting Antony Penrose!


On Wednesday the 14th of November, the class of 5th grade went to Fundació Joan Miró. There, we had the great opportunity to meet Antony Penrose, the son of a well-known photographer, Lee Miller. Antony Penrose, who is also a photographer, had the chance to know Miró when he was little because of the friendship between him and Antony’s parents. After being inspired by the surrealist Catalan artist, he wrote a book entitled “Miró’s Magic animals”.

We read the book in class days before the visit and we wrote many questions we wanted to ask him. He explained us fantastic things about his life and the relationship with Joan Miró. All the explanation was in English and we could understand him easily! After all, we gave him drawings we made in class, illustrating our fantastic animals.

It was so much fun getting to know him and sharing this experience!