Saint George’s Day in Les Escomes School

In Les Escomes School a week before Saint George we prepared some biographies about famous women. We took the information from some books and internet sources in the library and we wrote them on big colourful cardboards.

On the 23rd of April we did different activities: preschoolers made a dragon hat and fruit roses, first and second graders made some fantastic bookmarks, third and fourth and fifth graders made origami roses, sixth graders were selling roses in a stall in the centre of the village.

In the afternoon, we all went to a new stage we have in the playground and in groups students presented their biographies to the rest of the school. Preschoolers together with first graders wrote a biography of Jana, one of the singers of El Pot Petit, second graders talked about Roser Capdevila, the designer of The triplets; third graders talked about J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter; fourth graders presented the biography of Angela Ruiz Robles, the creator of the first electronic book ( tablet forerunner) , fifth graders wrote different biographies and one of the pupils presented his about Maria Telkes, who investigated about solar energy; and sixth graders also wrote different biographies and a group of girls presented theirs about Eulàlia Canal, the writer of “Un petó de mandarina”.

Finally, some fifth and sixth graders performed two invented plays of Saint George and the dragon.

More picture here

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