Hem acabat el projecte sobre “English tales”, que hem dut a terme al llarg d’aquest curs, i ara us explicarem el procés fet.

Havíem de  fer entre set escoles set contes. Però una escola ho va trobar massa difícil i es va retirar del projecte.

Primerament, vam crear l’inici d’un conte que vam titular “The night of shouts”. Després ens va tocar fer el nus d’un altre conte que havia començat una altra escola: “The magic book”. En tercer lloc ens va tocar fer el final d’un altre conte, un conte titulat “The sad man”. En quart lloc, ens va tocar il.lustrar un conte “The cave”. Un cop acabades les il.lustracions, vam afegir les veus del conte “Lily the potato and Lukas the pickle”. I després per acabar, el vídeo del primer conte “The night of shouts”.

Nosaltres valorem molt positivament aquest projecte. Hem trobat dificultats però hem aconseguit solucionar-les i estem molt satisfets de la feina feta i del resultat.

We have finished the project of “English Tales”. We have made it this course, and now we explain you the process.

We have made with seven catalan schools seven tales. But one school  found it very dificult and they went of the project.

First, we made the beginnig of the tale “The night of shouts”. Later we made the middle part of tale “The magic book”. Third we made the ending of tale”The sad man”.Fourth we made the drawings of the tale “The cave”. Finally we made the audios of the tale “Lily the potato and Lukas the pickle”. To finish we recorded the video of the first tale “The night of shouts”.

We valorate very much this project. We have found difficulties but we sorted them out and we are satisfied with our work and the resolt.