GEP 4t Let’s learn about animals! Session 4

Last Tuesday 22nd January pupils from 4th grade have continued GEP!

In this fourth session they:

  • Listen a song about the “Animals’ nutrition”: While they listen the song, pupils must catch the words that are on the floor and appear in the song. After this, we talk about carnivore, herbivore and omnivore animals. They learn a lot of vocabulary and we make a glossary again! They have another one in theirs folders to learn, learn and learn!
  • Play a memory game in groups of three. The memory game involves the picture of an animal with the kind of nutrition and a complete sentence about the nutrition of the animal (example: the elephant is herbivore). Also, every time they spin the three correct cards they must say the sentence: The (lion, tiger, snake…) is (carnivore, omnivore, herbivore).
  • Have a colouring activity with different animals and a space to colour. In these spaces pupils paint in red the carnivore animals, in yellow the omnivore animals and with a green crayon the herbivore animals.
  • Have a writing activity. In this activity pupils write a sentence about the animals of the the colouring activity. They write his name, nutrition and food following the structure: “The lions are carnivores because they eat meat”.

It was a great time and pupils have a lot of fun! Families, you can see the pictures below:

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