GEP 3r: All about plants! Lesson 2

In this second session we remembered some concepts of the last day (parts of a plant) and we introduced the concept of flowering and non-flowering plants.

The activities we did were:

  1. Kahoot about the plant parts. They enjoyed playing these interactive game with the tablets in pairs.
  2. Flowering/non-flowering plants: pupils had one part of a picture that could be a flowering or a non-flowering plant. They had to organize themselves in order to search the partners with the rest of the picture. Once all the pieces of the puzzle were together they sticked them on the board distributed into flowering and non-flowering plants, and we commented the differences with the pupils. To finish the activity we watched the video Flowering and non flowering plants
  3. To finish the session we played a JClic game to remember plant parts and their spelling and pronunciation. In the following link you can find the game and play at home!!! Link:

We enjoyed this class very much 🙂

3r A:

3r B:

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