Arts and crafts

Our Arts & Crafts project

The project’s general aims include all curricular languages:

  • To increase the contact hours of pupils with the English language.
  • To make the English language more familiar to pupils.
  • To promote communication skills whether they understand all that is said in the foreign language or not.
  • To present the foreign language in a fun way in real school situations.
  • To promote writing skills through the analysis, examples, purposes of some  text types adapated to different courses.
  • To coordinate the three school curricular languages to achieve the same methodology.

Main aims and objectives

Art (art, craft and design) is a vital aspect of primary education, with the capacity to stimulate and enrich learning across the curriculum. The subject enables children to develop their skills and confidence in creativity and expression, contributing to their personal, social and emotional development.

Art offers children the opportunity to develop key skills in manipulating different materials, processes and techniques, developing their fine motor and tactile skills. Through art, children develop awareness and understanding of the visual world in which we live, and how ideas and meanings can be communicated in many different ways.

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