Let’s travel around the world!

The 3rd graders have been working on different countries and the continents.

We have learned a lot and now, we know lots of new things!!

We also have said goodbye to our dear language assisstant, Gemma.



The 2nd garders have been working on the space and the planets and they have meet a very special family: The Biptonians.

This family have showed us their planet and we have also presented them our fantastic planets.

And now they are coming on holidays to visit us!!

Are you ready?

Would you kiss a frog – theatre Company!

The 1st graders have arrived at the end of the book and the final project was to create a Theatre company.

Along the term they have been working on traditional fairy tales and therefore they chose to perform some well- known stories. They loved to get dressed and it was very amusing!!

Congrats to all the actors and actresses!