This month marks the commemoration of the 3rd English Day of La Conca de Barberà, where both high schools and primary schools will come together to enjoy and learn in a collaborative and engaging English morning.

Let’s make it a memorable and enjoyable experience for all involved.



The Learning Boxes — Project-Based Learning, PBL” is a global working  approach that aims to empower students by making them responsible for their own learning.

Working through the learning boxes,  Upper Cycle students learn to think for themselves, to investigate, and to learn from their mistakes and successes.

This methodology gives students the opportunity to choose the topics and interests they wish to explore, making their learning experience more meaningful to them.

Today, learning boxes have evolved into something fundamental, representing a comprehensive methodological strategy rather than a complement. This methodology ensures high motivation for each learning experience, promotes inclusive learning for all students and contributes to the social construction of knowledge.

The PBL methodology entails carrying out a learning box, usually of a certain difficulty and in groups, which allows responding to a real-life situation.

The development of a learning box starts with a question. This question should not have a simple information-based answer but should require the use of critical thinking for its resolution.

This cultivates critical thinking skills and establishes a framework for students to engage in cognitive tasks.

Every year, the ZER introduces a transversal axis that is implemented throughout the school year.

Over the last three years, these axes have focused on themes related to architectural elements and sustainability #architecture, rural life #DePoble, and music #LaMusica.

In the English language area, we use these axes as a guiding thread to carry out “The Learning Boxes/Project-Based Learning (PBL)”.

Through the learning box “BE AN ARCHITECT“, students have had the opportunity to become architects, build architectural elements in 3D, and increase their understanding of sustainability.

Furthermore, through the transversal axis #DePoble, our pupils have developed the ability to design a unique theme park for their own village: “WELCOME TO MY PERFECT PARK“. Click on ➡  DOSSIER_WELCOME_TO_MY_PERFECT_PARK-2

Throughout the year, we are immersed in the transversal axis of #LaMusica. Students are working on the design and preparation of the end-of-year music festival for the ZER, which will be held in Solivella. This learning box (PBL) titled “LET’S RUN A MUSIC FESTIVAL” combines elements of imagination, digital technology, problem-solving, design, and planning. Let’s wait and see the amazing results soon!

To sum up, students can engage with learning boxes in a joyful, meaningful way while using English as the vehicular language, which will undoubtedly help them grow as individuals in our society.


Last Tuesday, we had the opportunity to go to L’Espluga de Francolí and enjoy the musical play “SLEEPING BEAUTY OR NOT” in English.

We delved into the transformation of the original tale of Sleeping Beauty, transforming it into a different version.

Princess Aurora is lying asleep due to an evil spell. Suddenly, her “blue prince” appears, ready to awaken her with a kiss, but… -No! What did you think? The story is in our hands, and in Aurora’s hands, who will review the story and modify everything that she believes violates her rights.

In this updated version of Sleeping Beauty we propose to journey through the original story, stopping to reflect on established clichés, discovering that we can change them and learning to be more critical: Why must the princess wait to be rescued by a prince? Can we kiss someone who is unconscious? Should we follow traditions if we find them unfair?

We were able to work on gender stereotypes while simultaneously enjoying an interactive and dynamic show.

El dimarts dia 12, vam tenir l’oportunitat d’anar a l’Espluga de Francolí i poder gaudir del musical i obra de teatre “SLEEPING BEAUTY OR NOT” en llengua anglesa.

Ens vam endinsar en la transformació del conte original de la Bella Dorment transformant-lo en una visió diferent i actual.

La princesa Aurora està estirada, adormida, a causa d’un encanteri malvat. De sobte, apareix el seu “príncep blau”, disposat a despertar-la amb un petó, però … -No! Què t’has pensat? La història està a les nostres mans, i a les mans de l’Aurora, que revisarà el conte i modificarà tot allò que ella creu que vulnera els seus drets.

En aquesta actualització de la Bella Dorment ens proposem viatjar per la història original, aturant-nos per reflexionar sobre els clixés establerts, descobrir que podem canviar-los i aprendre a ser més crítics: per què la princesa ha d’esperar a ser rescatada per un príncep? Podem fer petons a algú que està inconscient? Cal seguir les tradicions si les trobem injustes?

Hem pogut treballar estereotips de gènere i a la vegada gaudir d’un espectacle interactiu i dinàmic.




On 28th March,  we had a fun 😎  and an eggciting day.  Easter bunnies came and we did an Easter hunt.

We played loads of Easter games (Easter sack race, Easter egg and spoon race and Easter bean bag toss game)  and ate chocolate eggs too.

As a craft, we made a handmade Easter necklace!!!!

Such an incredible day!!!

If you want to make a “DIY an Easter NECKLACE” watch this video:



International Women’s Day provides an important opportunity for teachers, parents and caregivers to educate and inspire children and students about gender equality. From celebrating women’s achievements to challenging gender stereotypes and bias, educating future generations about gender equality is one of the most grassroots differences anyone can make. There are many useful classroom resources available to support International Women’s Day activity. Whether in the classroom or over the dinner table, thank you for championing International Women’s Day and making a positive difference.

What  did we do on International Women’s Day in “la ZER”?
  • We explained why we have an International Women’s Day.
  • We brainstormed gender stereotypes.
  • We learned from important women who turned the world around.
  • In addition, our colleague Gemma Salvat, who is a professional football player, explained the importance of women in female football and their difficulties.

Here you have a collection of photographs:


On the 15th March, our students from Middle Cycle and Upper level went to Montblanc to see the “ROBIN HOOD” play and to visit the County Library  “Conangla i Fontanilles” & “Martí l’Humà” Secondary School.

You know what, England has a problem: the police commissioner of Nottingham, the rich and stingy tax collector. Our brave hero, Robin Hood, is convinced that he is the only one who can save the country. With bow, arrows and sword, fight heroically in the name of justice. He is brave. He’s not afraid.

Robin Hood – IPA Productions from IPA Productions on Vimeo.

Have you Ever Wondered …

  • What can you discover at the library?
  • Do libraries have more than books?
  • How well do you know your local library?

It’s true! Our county library is filled with exciting adventures and other worlds waiting to be explored. And guess what? They’re not all contained within books. You might be surprised to learn about all the other resources a library has to offer.

Do British people say secondary school?

Officially, it is called secondary school, in the UK. That said, many people in the UK will refer to it as “high school”. It is technically an Americanism, but also used in the official names of many secondary schools throughout the country.

Our students really enjoyed doing these amazing activities and taking an active part in all of them.

Here you have a collection of photographs:


With the learning box “Be an architect!” Mini 3D famous landmarks! our 5th & 6th grade students had the opportunity  to investigate amazing landmarks and make their own 3D mini models.

Take a look at what they built!!! Our new future architects!


Have a look at the powerpoint presentation ➡ World Famous Landmarks power point


Our students finished the e-twinning project “Take care of our planet, take care of ourselves”, by making some eye-catching flyers to spread the word and encourage people to act green.
They used the “Canva” application to create the most powerful messages possible.
In order to protect our planet, “The Earth”, we would like to convince those who still are reluctant to be eco-friendly.
Our main slogan is “Spread the green word”.