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Campanya d’esquí al Port del Comte!

ZER SKI SEASON  (By Ona Pijoan and Aran Corbera)

The children from ZER Solsonès went to Port del Comte from 1st to 3rd of February, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

There were boys and girls who only came for 1 day but most of them came to ski 3 days. The bus left every day at 8:00 o’clock in the morning from Solsona bus station. There were people who had to rent the equipment, and others who already had it. There are different levels of skiing among the children from ZER. Because of this, there were different monitors for the different levels.

Every day there were two shifts of skiing: from ten to twelve and from twelve to two. After lunch we could go skiing with the teachers on the chair lift or on the ski lift.   The three days the weather was  sunny and hot!!!! Llegir més»


El dia 9 de novembre infants i docents de la ZER El Solsonès ens vam reunir a Navès per fer la trobada de tardor.

Al matí ens vam aplegar davant la Sala d’Esplai on ens vam agrupar per escoles, quan hi vam ser tots, vam baixar per un camí que passa pel mig d’un bonic bosquet, fins l’Escola Aiguadora. Ens vam situar al pati, també agrupats per escoles.

Gràcies a l’AFA, les famílies de l’escola van preparar un bon esmorzar: coca, xocolata, aigua, sucs i fruita variada. Els primers en començar a menjar vam ser l’alumnat de cicle superior, ja que havíem de fer l’assaig d’una cançó per al dia de Santa Cecília i era un bon moment per ser-hi tot el grup. Tot seguit vam esmorzar la resta de persones. Llegir més»