sport narrative


Freedom by Ignasi Cervero

It was amazing, it was one of the best feelings that I have ever had, I felt freedom, power, strength, joy, happiness, adrenaline.


The moment arrived, that day I would become a person unforgettable for the human history. I did not know if from the glory or from the failure. I was ready to achieve my eighth goal, the one which nobody had reached before. I had completed the 7 extreme events before that. That was the last. Other people had arrived where I was, but all died in the last event, that event that I was going to try. Despite failing in their eighth event they were considered heroes but being a hero for that was not enough for me.


I jumped. I opened my arms and legs the most I could. The nerves made me being a little bit unstable at the beginning, I focused on me and I got the right position. All that I saw: trees, houses, people, cars, lakes… They were too little for me, I was bigger than them. I started to lose too much height, it was not good. Suddenly, I touched a branch of a tree with my right foot. I was going to fall, I had the same feeling that had everyone who had tried the same before. It was the end of my story, of my life, of everything. I was not flying over a tree zone anymore, now a green field of grass would be my tomb. It was on that moment of sadness that, like an angel, I started to gain altitude. A current of hot air returned me to the top of the sky again.


It was amazing, it was one of the best feelings that I have ever had, I felt freedom, power, strength, joy, happiness, adrenaline. I looked my watch:  5′ 56”; yes Sir, I did it. I became the person who had flown more time without any help of a machine. I saw a lake nearby, I decided to finish my exploit there. The final time was 6’19” flying and that moment, not before, not after, I became a hero.

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