Teaching Principles

1 Methodology

The methodological line is inspired by the following principles:

        • Students’ responsibility for their own learning process.
        • Cooperation, group work and individual education.
        • Education for intellectual autonomy.
        • Active methodology and meaningful learning
        • Tutorial and educational responsibility shared by the entire teaching staff.
        • Attention on educational psychology and educational and professional guidance.
        • Individual monitoring.
        • Continuous and global assessment as a fundamental tool in the teaching-learning process.
        • Interdisciplinary nature, appropriate to each stage of education.
        • Promotion of information technology and communication in the teaching-learning process.
        • Attention to the diversity of skills, interests and the pace of learning.
        • Constant collaboration between family and school in order to contribute to the better achievement of the student’s educational goals.
        • Educational innovation and constant renewal
        • Teamwork in all areas of school life.
        • Participation in national and European projects, promoting language teaching with the main goal of becoming an open centre to the world.
2 Languages

Catalan is the main language of teaching and learning and, consequently, the usual one, in all organs and areas of the educational community.

It is the basic objective of the school to ensure that students finish their secondary education with the ability to communicate in Catalan, Spanish and English. In addition, we also offer the chance to learn French and German.

3 Integral Education

We offer customised training to a comprehensive education regarding the capacities, skills and moral values ​​of students in all personal areas (family, social and professional).

This training will be implemented in:

  • Full development of the personality of students.
  • Development of creative abilities and critical thinking.
  • Promotion of the responsible involvement of students in their learning, with an attitude of interest, effort and perseverance.
  • Acquisition of intellectual habits and working techniques.
  • Maximum development of intellectual and professional skills.
  • Preparation to an active participation in social life and work.
  • Use of mediation as a tool for conflict resolution.