Santes Creus – Activitat GEP

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The monasterie was built at the middle of the XII century in a Gothic Cistercian style,The church has  a  latin cross floor. There are  two cloisters in the monasterie, the old cloister, in late Romanesque style, and the new Royal one, bigger and with capitals very decorated, with a fountain where the monks washed their hands before the eating.

The bedroom was a big  and cold nave,  connected with the church because the monks went to pray every night. Curiously, they slept in a straw beds.

At the dining room they couldn’t speak, but one monk was reading while the others were eating. There is a window so the plates could be passed between the kitchen and the dining room.

We cross the locutory, a corridor where monks could speak, but it was an uncomfortable place, because of the wind and people passing by. There, the monks speak about something that they liked.

There are two Catalan kings buried in the church, near the altar, Pere I, who is is buried in a bath, but he had his feet cut,  because the bath was small. The other king was his son, Jaume II, and his wife.

The rule of Sant Benet is “ ora et labora”.

Ricard Nolla de 2n ESO.

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