Studying waves

The Physics and Chemistry teacher is very proud of the work done by 4th grade of ESO students. A group in this class looked for some information about waves; they experienced on their own and prepared the following video autonomously to explain the… Llegeix més»

Studying the movement

In Physics and Chemistry classes, we try to work collaboratively. Now, we are studying the movement and different students have explained to their groups some things in their own way. Here is a brief summary of the main ideas they have explained.

Bye, GEP / Hi, CLIL

Enguany el projecte GEP (Grup Experimental per al plurilingüisme) que ha durat dos anys ha arribat a la seva fi.
Però al nostre centre, el plurilingüisme es continua consolidant. El propers cursos, els alumnes d’ESO continuaran treballant alguna matèria (AICLE) o part d’ella (TIL) en llengua… Llegeix més»