Thisdale Middle School – Clàudia Terés

Today I’m going to share you some information of Thisdale Middle & Secondary School is situated in Thisdale, Saskatchewan, Canada. And it’s one of the schools that take part in Out of Eden. It is a mixed school (girls and boys study together).Thisdale is a secondary school, it means that they teach teenagers like us.

The Thisdale had a lot of tematic days like “the hat day”, “red or pink day” for Valentine’s day… And a lot of tournaments, contests…

As they are very sporty, they have extra curricular ativities like “Middle years drama”, “Senior drama” “football”, “badminton” “Basket”… And they use Classroom and Moodle like we do.

In this school they don’t wear a uniform. They have T-Shirts for extra curricular activities.


Clàudia Terés – 2n B ESO


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