2nd English Day


WHAT?    2nd ENGLISH DAY. Activities in English and related to USA. 

WHEN?    Friday, 7th April 2017, from 8:30am to 2pm 

WHERE?  At INS Joan Amigó i Callau. In the classrooms, playground, gym, …

WHO?      All students and teachers, besides some special guests.


  • 8:30-11:15 Normal classes which will include some contents and activities in English or related to American music and culture.
  • 11:15-12:15 Sharing breakfast made of several US recipes elaborated by the students themselves.  The more we cook, the more we can taste!
    USA themed decorations, display of the recipes and some surprises…
  • 12:15-14 Pop, Rock and Hip-Hop exhibition.
    Students can get dressed up according to the music trends.

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