Latest News about the 6th Science Fair


Last week, on Tuesday 16th, we celebrated the science fair here, in Jaume Callís high school. In science, we did a lot of things, we practiced the experiments to do it better on Tuesday, we wrote the science part, we corrected our posters… In English, we practiced the oral presentation, we wrote the others parts of the experiment and we did the display board…

On Tuesday, we arrived at school at 6:30 pm because the experiments started at 7 o’clock. We put the tables in order and we put a different number in every table and we started. There were a lot of incredible experiments and all the parents were happy to see their children talking in English and having fun, some students were nervous but finally they did it very well.

Finally, when all the experiments were finished, all the teachers gave some prizes for the best science fair experiments.

Laia  2A


Last week on the 16th of May, the students of 2n ESO in Jaume Callís High school made our Science Fair. It was the sixth edition. It started with experiments that students made in class to make them think about why this reaction happened or why we did that, but it finished with this fair! It’s a project that we made in Science and in English. Finally, we exposed the fair to our parents.

The students of 2n ESO began this project a month before the 16th of May. It had two parts: the first dedicated to Science, where we did the experiments and we understood why it happened; and the second in English, to improve our pronunciation and extend our vocabulary. First we chose our experiment. The teachers proposed some, but we finally chose the experiment that we liked. Then, the weeks after, we tried all to check the results and understand why. All of them didn’t work at the first time, so had to repeat a lot of times. But finally we’ve got it! Then, we prepared our experiment report in English, and we learned by heart. We also made a poster, with our report and a lot of pictures than made the experiment easier to understand.

Finally, in the 16th afternoon, we went to our high school playground and we exposed our experiments to all the parents. We divided the 3 classes in two groups, so we explained two experiments at the same time. The public could chose the experiment they likedc.

For the results, we think it was success, because we made a lot of interesting experiments and it was a good experience. The experiments didn’t work all in the fair, but we learned a lot and it was great to get over the nerves. And we also thought that making a different thing is exciting, so our conclusion is that it was amazing!

Eulàlia 2B

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