Projecte Erasmus+ “Jobs, jobs everywhere”: trobada a Irlanda

Del 4 al 10 de març tingué lloc la segona trobada d’alumnes i professors participants en el projecte Erasmus+ KA219: “Jobs, jobs everywhere. Which one for me'” a Irlanda. Els centres que estan prenent part en aquest projecte són d’Alemanys, Itàlia, Malta, Irlanda i Catalunya.

Aquí teniu un article-resum en anglès  i un video-recopilatori de la trobada


A group of two teachers and five students of 4th ESO from our school are on a visit to Palmerstown School in Dublin, to work on another phase of our Erasmus+ Teaching and Learning project.

During the first two days the students had the opportunity to visit Bunratty Folk Park, where a communication workshop was also held. Later they visited Hazel Mountain, a small start-up company specialising in chocolate production, where they were given an overview of the hurdles a start-up company needs to overcome. The group were also shown around Ailwee Cave, in County Clare. Later, at the Michael Cusack GAA Centre, they attended a lecture about the farming industry in the Burren area. Another highlight was a walk along the Cliffs of Moher.

In the following days, the students worked in Palmerstown School on presentations about our previous visit to Germany, their economic research and their projections for the future. They participated in various working groups about statistics and evaluations, the project and company logo, a glossary of technical terms, IT and dissemination. They still have to add the finishing touches to the business plan.

As for leisure, the students had Irish dancing lessons organised by the local teachers and students, and they certainly had great fun!

On the last day, they will be given a guided tour of the city of Dublin by the Irish students.

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